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  • Festival Beach Food Forest

    Festival Beach Food Forest

    by: Marcia BeckfordThere’s give and take atFestival Beach Food Forest.A body with heart.To nourish and fellowship.View the canopies.see the sun, sky, clouds,and stars.Walk through arteries,awaken the senses.A sustainable ecosystem teems….

  • Bumble Bee Dance

    By Marcia BeckfordWhat attracted the first beeWho ignored my gentle swats It buzzed with a purposeUnknown to meNo flowers on the patio tableNor perfumed smells.Not yet time to tastethe sweetness….

  • True bugs

    by: Macia BeckfordAll bugs are insects. Not all insects qualify. Let’s take a good spy!Metamorphosislabeled incomplete because larvae, pupa nixed.Egg, nymph and adult! Nymph molts often to mature as helper….