True bugs

by: Macia Beckford

All bugs are insects. Not all insects qualify. Let’s take a good spy!
labeled incomplete because larvae, pupa nixed.
Egg, nymph and adult! Nymph molts often to mature as helper bug, pest.
Proboscis mouth tubes.
Pierce. Ouch! One spits. Other sucks plants, animals. Us!
Insects have six legs, antennas, wings or wingless, head, thorax, belly.
lady, lightening bugs misnamed. To test us, or fun?
Aphid, cicada
word “bug” omitted when named. Belies true nature.
Shield bug, water bug assassin bug and bed bug invoke emotions.
Paris, France bed bugs. Pesticide resistant scourge of private boundaries.
Fruitful yards and fields teeming with those helpful bugs balance perspective.

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