Bug Safari – Waterloo Park for Wild Wednesday
July 26 2023 9am Join me at Waterloo Park on 726 at 9:00 a.m. for wild Wednesdays with Texas Children’s in nature 1301 Trinity St, Austin, TX 78701
July 26 2023 9am Join me at Waterloo Park on 726 at 9:00 a.m. for wild Wednesdays with Texas Children’s in nature 1301 Trinity St, Austin, TX 78701
Hey, I’ve stumbled upon an excellent resource that I highly recommend checking out, especially if you’re interested in reporting invasive bugs. https://tpwd.texas.gov/huntwild/wild/species/exotic/
Hey, I’ve stumbled upon an excellent resource that I highly recommend checking out, especially if you’re interested in reporting invasive bugs. https://www.texasinvasives.org/
I came across this post written by David Attenborough for the Nobel Prize on facebook that I found incredibly thought-provoking and eye-opening! I highly recommend taking a look at it….
I came across an article written by Isaac Schultz that I found incredibly thought-provoking and eye-opening! I highly recommend taking a look at it below! https://www.yahoo.com/news/black-widow-spiders-getting-slaughtered-140013643.html
I came across an article written by Teresa Gubbins that I found incredibly thought-provoking and eye-opening! I highly recommend taking a look at it below! https://austin.culturemap.com/news/city-life/crane-flies-bugs-spring/?xrs=RebelMouse_fb&ts=1680200798&fbclid=IwAR30NpqwVx3bScxiNtwcwFQRjPnL2VFuuNy23ilsEi9Yk8j0bNDxVanroZU
I came across an article written by Linnea Hansen that I found incredibly thought-provoking and eye-opening! I highly recommend taking a look at it below! https://www.animalsaroundtheglobe.com/do-praying-mantis-bite/
I came across an article written by Julia that I found incredibly thought-provoking and eye-opening! I highly recommend taking a look at it below! https://delco.today/2023/06/kill-orders-spotted-lanternflies/?fbclid=IwAR38zKXY_44YiGB3f5EluNpxksJyTI6SmQiVoXueyQBIERhhp_awuzGy-4k
Typically, fully grown cicadas remain elusive as their presence is often only detected through the distinct sound of their songs. However, I have come across a remarkable photograph capturing the….
July 12th 9am-Noon! Join me at Waterloo Park and discover the fascinating world of citizen science at the Bug Safari table! Let’s go on an exciting exploration of how to….