By: Marcia Beckford
Going on a hike takes on a new meaning
When as you walk your ankle’s hurting
Maneuvering up and down a sidewalk
Requires a decision to land on heel or toe
The small mud mounds ,
And elevated bike lane separations
Do you see all those stairs?
To remind you that all steps bless the way
The pooch walked through puddles
From last night’s rain storm
That I purposely led her through
As in those far away puppy days
As time passed, the joints lubricated
I felt relaxed enough to walk as carefree
As Sofia Loren with hands legs and hips in synch
A woman’s walk, fluid, confident, sensous
Soon, the walk developed a new curious purpose
Yes, there was the joy of beholding all in view
And, there was also the need to scope out
Disappearing public bathrooms along the path
A familiar often visited restaurant
A welcome sight in this new world of
Locked bathroom for those who left their cars
without some change for a purchase in their pockets